Friday, May 1, 2015

Got My First Internship!

The good news has been pouring in lately; I recently found out that I landed a summer internship! My internship involves spending about 25 hours a week shadowing a psychiatrist. I'll be learning about prescribing psychotropic medications and how to work with people who have mental health needs. I'm also going to be working with the med support services administration to help process the paperwork that supports the psychiatrist. This isn't a paid internship, but I really don't mind since it's the experience that I'm interested in. I'm an aspiring psychiatrist so this will be an awesome opportunity for me to gain some insight into this line of work. It's a long road to becoming a psychiatrist but this is definitely a great milestone for me. My internship is only about an hour commute from my hometown so I'm excited to be living at my parents house for a few months. I haven't spent more than three weeks back home since I've graduated high school so it will be nice spending time with my family and friends. It's hard to top summertime in Santa Barbara but I'm confident Santa Cruz will be able to compete. Both of the photos below are taken in places that are within 20 minutes of my house so I really get the best of both worlds: awesome beaches and incredible redwood mountains!
Eagle Rock is one of my favorite lookout spots in the Santa Cruz Mountains. It's a short hike from the main road, and the tower hidden behind the tree used to serve a fire lookout since this is one of the highest peaks in the area.  
This is "Its Beach" located on the westside of Santa Cruz. 

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