Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sleep Deprivation is Real

No need for a bed
when you have a desk
I wish I could talk about some awesome trip or cool adventure I've gone on lately, but unfortunately that would be far from my reality. My most recent activities depict the typical, frequently uneventful, life of a pre-med student: eating, sleeping, working, going to school, extracurriculars, and studying for school; however, not necessarily in that order. I've had to pull some late nights and long study sessions to complete all my assignments and pull the grades I want for my classes this semester: organic chemistry, physics, and honors history. It's nice that the SBCC library stays open an hour later this semester than in previous years, but unfortunately 11 o'clock isn't always late enough for me to get everything done. Since I live in Isla Vista the UCSB library is a short bike ride from my house so I find myself spending far too much time there, especially when I have exams. It's open 24/7 so is always able to accommodate those late night study sessions. However, sleep never fails to hinder my studying. Which leads to the pictures accompanying today's blog post; photo credits go to my study buddy who never fails to snapchat me at my lowest points.

A Frank Underwood quote from my favorite TV show, House of Cards, sums up the way I feel about sleep, "I've always loathed the necessity of sleep. Like death, it puts even the most powerful men on their backs." Don't get me wrong, I still love the feeling of a good nights rest and understand its importance, but I just can't help to think of all the things I could get done if I didn't need to sleep. I haven't figured out a way around sleep yet, but when I do I'll make sure to fill everybody in. Until then, I guess I'm just going to keep taking my occasional power naps in the library.

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